
Chiro1Source_Understanding Back Pain

Understanding Back Pain

Whether it’s an unending dull ache or a sharp stabbing sensation, back pain is one of the most common health issues. Millions of people worldwide suffer from back pain that impacts daily life, and here, we’ll not only go over possible causes of back pain but also how to find long-lasting relief.

Causes of Back Pain

Before treating back pain, you must first know what’s causing it. While back pain can stem from a variety of reasons, here are some of the most common:

  • Muscle Strain: Sudden movements, lifting heavy objects, or overuse can strain the muscles and ligaments in your back, leading to discomfort or pain.
  • Poor Posture: Sitting, standing, and even sleeping with poor posture can leave your spine misaligned and strain back muscles.
  • Herniated Disc: Discs provide cushioning between the vertebrae in your spine, and if one slips or ruptures, it can press on the nerves. A herniated disc can cause intense back pain.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis can impact the lower back and lead to stiffness and chronic pain. 

Treatment Options for Back Pain

Taking a multifaceted approach to treating back pain is more likely to result in long-lasting relief. If you’re suffering from back pain, consider combining the recommendations below.

Chiropractic Care

Regular visits to a chiropractor can provide much-needed relief from back pain. Spinal adjustments not only alleviate pain but also improve spinal function. 

Lifestyle Changes

You could reduce your back pain by making a few lifestyle changes. Maintain a healthy weight, stay active, and practice good posture. It’s also important to avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods. 

Exercise or Physical Therapy 

You can do many exercises and stretches to strengthen your back and core muscles. Working with a physical therapist can ensure you have the proper technique to help prevent further back injury.

Alternative Therapies

If traditional avenues aren’t relieving your back pain, try alternative therapies, like:

  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture

These therapies can help improve flexibility and release tension, which may help ease back pain.

Theramine® Capsules

Specifically formulated to manage discomfort associated with back and joint pain, Theramine® provides the body with the nutrients needed to combat inflammation and repair tissues successfully.

One key benefit of this innovative pain relief solution is that, unlike many other pain management options, it’s non-addictive. It also doesn’t have the adverse side effects that are often associated with the long-term use of traditional pain medications.

Theramine® is highly effective, evidenced by two double-blind clinical studies on pain management. Able to target acute, chronic, inflammatory, neuropathic, and idiopathic pain, it’s an excellent option for many back pain sufferers.

Find Back Pain Relief With Help From Chiro1Source

Understanding the cause of your back pain and learning about your various treatment options is the first step toward finding relief. For many, a combination of traditional and alternative therapies combined with a therapeutic option like Theramine® offers long-lasting relief. With help from the variety of products we offer here at Chiro1Source, you can break free from debilitating back pain.